Sunday, August 8, 2010

Family Reunion and Earlyworks with PawPaw

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We had a great trip to Georgia last weekend for my mom's family's reunion. We also saw my dad's family while we were there, and Marc and I hooked up with my college roommate, Mandy and her family on our way home. It was a whirlwind of a weekend, but tons of fun. Marc and I also got to enjoy the fun of spending 2 nights in a hotel room with 2 boys in pack 'n' plays. What an experience!!

This weekend, pawpaw came to visit, and we took a fun trip to the Earlyworks Museum--a children's history museum. Marc and his dad are installing a new water feature in our front flowerbed right now--I am enjoying the a/c inside!!

We have had such a great summer, and we are excited that we are getting settled into life here in Alabama. Luke is talking in sentences now. His favorites are "I got it", and "I did it". He is so sweet and so fun. Titus is happy and growing, and has chubby little legs that are so cute.


Wendi, Marc, Luke and Titus

Monday, July 26, 2010

Our Summer

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This is just a little glimpse about what we've been doing the past couple of months. We officially moved in May, and now we are settling into a second baby, a new home, new job, etc. It's been fun and really great to be by family. Our beach trip this summer was a little more chaotic with 2 kids, and it started off fun with Ben and Kelli's wedding. We all had a great time with the Roses--we look forward to this so much every year.

We are missing our friends and our church in Louisiana, but we're having fun together and we've already had a lot of visitors!! Jon and Joy came up with their boys for a long weekend over the 4th. Angela and Pedro came down and then Angela came one weekend by herself to babysit--thanks Ang!! Mr. Frank's been here, and we'll see him again soon. This past weekend we had a last minute surprise visit from Mary Rita and Lauren. It's great to have friendships that last through the miles.

Love to everyone and looking forward to the family reunion this weekend,

Love, Marc, Wendi, Luke and Titus

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Introducing Titus

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Hey everyone,

Our second little bundle of joy decided to make an early entrance into the world. He arrived April 19, 2010 at 6:30pm. He was 6lbs, 1oz and 18.5 inches long. He is healthy and doing great. He looks so much like Marc; especially Marc's baby pictures.

Thank goodness my mom is here taking care of all of us, and we have had some amazing meals provided by our church friends. Thanks for everyone's prayers during the pregnancy. We are so excited!! I hope you enjoy the blog.