Friday, August 8, 2008

Florida, Here We Come

This has been a crazy week. Monday I had my regular OB appointment that went very well except I was informed that I failed my glucose tolerance test (diabetes screen). I didn't fail by very much, but they had me take a second test on Thursday. I had to be completely fasted for this test, and I had 4 glucose levels taken 1 hour apart. I should have those results by Monday. I'm told that 2/3 of the people that fail the first screening go on to pass the longer test.

I also had my rhogam injection on Wednesday. All this, and I've been working like crazy because we are leaving Saturday morning to go to the beach. Marc and I are both in need of a vacation!! We'll be spending an entire week at Sea Grove Beach with mom, dad, Kelli and our family friends, the Roses. We can't wait to get out of town!!

The body pillow has been fantastic!! I'm not sure what the difference is, but I can't believe I waited so long to buy it. I've been sleeping much better.

At my doctor's appointment on Monday, I asked the doctor what fish from the gulf were safe or unsafe for me to eat while on vacation. He gave me a list, and then I asked the most important question, Can I eat crab legs? He said I could eat as much crab as I want!! Yippee!! We have great seafood here in Louisiana, but crab legs are not readily available. I love to eat my fill when we're in Florida, and I plan to. I also plan to do a little shopping for the baby's room, soak in the pool and watch some of the Olympic games. Of course I'll bring all of my books on birthing, breast feeding, and baby names (we're still pretty clueless).

Does anyone have any advice on how they chose baby names?

When we get back from the beach, I'll have some good pictures to post of my growing belly.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Glad the body pillow is working; don't get too used to a good night's sleep, though! We got some good name ideas looking through our family tree - our girl name (picked out for Sam) is composed of my grandma Coons middle name and Aaron's mother's name. When Sam came, we used Dalton - a family name back on my dad's side that we liked, but then we just looked through a book and made a list of what we thought fit him once he arrived. Don't feel too much pressure - you'll get a better sense when the baby comes anyway!