Friday, September 12, 2008

Sorry it's been so long since I've written an update. Time has just flown by in the past week as our lives have settled back into a routine.

We got back in town last Thursday evening, and we did have power when we arrived!! I almost cried when I hit the garage door opener, and it worked that night when we drove into the driveway. Everyone was happy to be home. We worked hard that night getting our patio furniture, etc. out of the den so we could actually live in it. Amazingly, our cable was working too.

Marc went back to work last Friday and I worked a shift last Saturday. By the time we were back in town, a lot of the restaurants were open limited hours a day at least, with minimal menus. The only things that were noticeably different were all the trees / debris in the roads, and some power lines obviously down. The grocery stores were only open for limited hours each day, and only had limited supplies. We went to Wal Mart on Sunday, and it was weird. Only one set of doors were open, and there wasn't very much produce, bread, meat, or dairy. You kind of had to get whatever brand they had of things.

I did have a doctor's appointment this week. Everything is good, and the baby's head is down. Beginning next appointment, I will go weekly. I can't believe I'm 33 weeks!! It seems like time is going fast now. Because of my diet change, I had actually lost a couple of pounds since my last appointment. I am pretty sure I gained it all back yesterday though, because I was so hungry all day!! I guess the baby was growing, because I was hungry all day and very tired. Marc and I went to our first child birth class at the hospital on Tuesday evening. Marc is really stepping out of his comfort zone, and he is doing a great job.

My work is throwing a double baby shower for me and for another doctor who's pregnant and due 3 days ahead of me. That shower is scheduled for Saturday. It will be lots of fun, and I do plan on eating some cake. One of our ER doctors has gotten really great at cake decorating, and she is making a really elaborate cake. I will post some pictures from that soon.



Mandy said...

We need more belly pictures!

Marc and Wendi Tumminello said...

I posted some pictures today; hope they work!!